Recent Articles
The Agonizing Problem of the Assurance of Salvation
The most agonizing problem about the assurance of salvation is not the problem of whether the objective facts of Christianity are true
but whether I personally am saved by those facts.
Hear the Silent Message in Unanswered Prayer
You’ve prayed with great passion and faith – yet still, God doesn’t answer. Do unanswered prayers mean that God doesn’t care, or worse, that He’s not even there?
Knowing God Intimately
Many people know about God but few know God intimately. How sad it will be in the resurrection to meet a God face to face that we have not known heart to heart.
Like Jesus
Jesus knows what daily living is like. He knows because he's been there himself.
Feed My Sheep
The Psalmist says that God is like a shepherd, caring for us, His little ones. How great it is to know that He is always with His flock and He will never grow tired of providing for our needs.